Video Training

This video training example course, titled Residential Field Inspection: Mechanical System Piping, was produced for the NYSERDA Online Code Training website, and contains samples of BMI produced eLearning courses using basic technology, graphic design and instructional design elements. It presents an example of an eLearning course developed by an independent subject matter expert (Lois Arenas – Steven Winter) and produced by the BMI technology team.
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Accredited Certification Training
Boasting over one million CEU’s delivered, McGraw-Hill Continuing Education Center is the premier source for continuing education credits for the architects, engineers and design professionals in the United States. In addition to developing their LMS, BMI has produced over 200 courses currently offered on the continuing education center. The one-hour AIA-approved CEU’s provide a range of multi-media courses, online reading assignments and mentored learning modules.
E-Enhanced Training
BMI is completing a comprehensive training program for the Building Operator Certification (BOC®) -- a nationally recognized, competency-based training and certification program that offers facilities personnel the improved job skills and knowledge to transform workplaces to be more comfortable, energy-efficient and environmentally friendly. The BMI blended training program includes the development of five, one-hour courses on energy efficient lighting “e-enhanced” from existing material as designed by the BMI instructional design team and produced by BMI’s production staff.